Internal Information Model |
SDMX 2.1 | | |
SDMX 3.0 | | |
Structural Metadata Formats |
SDMX-ML v3.0 | | |
SDMX-ML v2.1 | | |
SDMX-ML v2.0 | | |
SDMX-ML v1.0 | | |
SDMX-JSON v2.0 | | |
SDMX-JSON v1.0 | | |
EDI | | |
Structural Metadata Management |
Load structural metadata from file | | |
Load structural metadata from URL | | |
Author and maintain structural metadata using the web interface | | |
Author and maintain structural metadata using FusionXL addin for Excel | | |
ACID structure repository | | |
Structural metadata import / export as SDMX | | |
Structural metadata import / export as Excel | | |
SDMX structures REST API | | |
Structure storage (limited by available memory) | | |
Structure comparison | | |
Structure validation on import | | |
Structure referential integrity enforcement | | |
Tools to correct referential integrity issues (fix 'zombie' structures) | | |
Time dependant constraints | | |
Structure-level validity | | |
Item-level validity | | |
Subscription / notification of changes to structures via email or HTTP POST | | |
Structure update transaction journalling | | |
Rollback structure changes to a specified journalled transaction | | |
Structural metadata time travel | | |
SDMX Structures |
Agency Schemes | | |
Constraints | | |
Categorisations | | |
Category Schemes | | |
Codelists | | |
Concept Schemes | | |
Data Consumer Schemes | | |
Data Provider Schemes | | |
Data Structure Definitions | | |
Dataflows | | |
Hierarchical Codelists | | |
Metadata Structure Definitions | | |
Metadataflows | | |
Organisation Unit Schemes | | |
Processes | | |
Provision Agreements | | |
Reporting Taxonomies | | |
Structure Sets | | |
Structure Map | | |
Representation Map | | |
Organisation Scheme Map | | |
Concept Scheme Map (SDMX 3.0) | | |
Category Scheme Map | | |
Reporting Taxonomy Map | | |
Value List | | |
Hierarchy | | |
Hierarchy Association | | |
Metadata Constraint | | |
Data Constraint | | |
Metadata Constraint | | |
Metadata Provision Agreement | | |
Metadata Provider Scheme | | |
Metadataset | | |
'Extended' Structures (structures that are not part of the formal SDMX specification) |
Validation Schemes | | |
Reporting Templates | | |
Publication Tables | | |
Structural Metadata Storage Options |
MySQL | | |
Oracle | | |
Microsoft SQL Server | | |
Identity and Access Management |
Microsoft Active Directory service integration | | |
OpenLDAP directory service integration | | |
Fusion Security directory service integration | | |
Single-user mode (no directory service required) | | |
Certificate authentication | | |
SSO | | |
Data |
Load data from file | | |
Load data from URL (file or REST API) | | |
SDMX-ML v3.0 structure specific data format (XML) | | |
SDMX-ML v2.1 structure specific data format (XML) | | |
SDMX-ML v2.0 structure specific data format (XML) | | |
SDMX-ML v2.1 generic data format (XML) | | |
SDMX-ML v2.0 generic data format (XML) | | |
SDMX-JSON v1.0 data format | | |
SDMX-JSON v2.0 data format | | |
SDMX-CSV v1.0 data format | | |
SDMX-CSV v2.0 data format | | |
EDI data format | | |
Excel FusionXL data format | | |
Interactive data load using the web user interface | | |
Data storage | | |
Data processing REST API (validation, conversion, mapping) | | |
Data storage REST API | | |
Plugin interface for adding custom data readers | | |
Data Registration |
SDMX data source registration | | |
Validation and indexing of registered data sources | | |
Reference Metadata |
Store Reference Metadata Reports | | |
SDMX-ML v2.1 reference metadata report format read | | |
SDMX-JSON v2.0 reference metadata report format | | |
Reference metadata submission API (POST) | | |
Reference metadata retrieval API (GET) | | |
Reference metadata deletion API (DELETE) | | |
Data Validation |
Structural compliance | | |
Compliance of data values with the DSD | | |
Compliance with constraint rules | | |
Duplicate observations or series checks | | |
Mandatory attributes | | |
Validation Schemes - basic business rule validation expressions | | |
Validation Schemes - advanced business rule validation expressions | | |
Validation rules configuration - set what rules are applied and whether they prevent conversion or data publication | | |
Plugin interface for adding custom validators | | |
Data validation processing (load data, validate it against the defined structure and business rules, return a validation report plus valid and invalid series as separate output datasets) | | |
Data validation REST API | | |
SDMX-ML v2.1 Structure Specific data XML schema validation | | |
SDMX-ML v3.0 Structure Specific data XML schema | | |
VTL 2.0 |
Storage of VTL programs as SDMX structural metadata | | |
Execution of VTL programs for validation or transformation of data | | |
SDMX Structure Mapping |
Concept Scheme Maps (SDMX 2.1) | | |
Codelist Maps | | |
Data Structure Maps | | |
Dataflow Maps | | |
Regex pattern mapping rules | | |
N-to-N data maps | | |
N-to-1 data maps | | |
1-to-N data maps | | |
1-to-1 data maps | | |
Mapped Datasets |
Mapped Datasets - like SQL views | | |
Virtual Dataflows |
Virtual Dataflows describe a sub-cube of a dataflow | | |
Data Transformation |
Data transformation processing (load data, transform it to a different structure using SDMX Structure Mapping and return the result) | | |
Data transformation REST API | | |
Data Conversion |
Between supported SDMX formats and versions (SDMX-ML, SDMX-JSON, SDMX-CSV, EDI) | | |
From Excel Reporting Template to SDMX formats | | |
Quick convert to SDMX-ML 2.1 Structure Specific format | | |
Conversion to and from Fusion Excel format for SDMX datasets | | |
Data Reporting |
Excel Reporting Templates - definition and generation | | |
Excel Reporting Templates - validation and conversion of reported data | | |
Excel Reporting Templates - load and storage of reported data | | |
Excel Reporting Templates - configurable template security rules | | |
Content Security / Access Controls |
Structure creation and maintenance controls (Agency privileges) | | |
Data load and modification controls (Data Provider privileges) | | |
Data access controls at the dataflow, series or observation level | | |
Structure access controls at the structure or item level | | |
Public mode - Registry content is readable by both unauthenticated guest and authenticated users | | |
Private mode - Registry content is accessible only to authenticated users | | |
Auditing |
SDMX structure transaction auditing | | |
User activity auditing | | |
Enterprise Deployment |
Load balancer support (clustering multiple Registry instances behind a load balancer for resilience and load tolerance) | | |
Apache Kafka Integration |
Kafka 'Structure Notification' Producer for publishing changes to structural metadata on a definable topic | | |
Client-side API |
IM-JS JavaScript client-side programming library | | |
SDMX-UI TypeScript client-side programming library (higher-level abstraction) | | |
Command Line Interface |
Fusion Command Line Interface for managing structural metadata | | |